When deciding on the color of roof shingles, you might be confused between several colors. You will be looking forward to getting a shingle color that blends with your background. However, you will realize after getting the color; you will pay very little attention to it. For instance, as you drive alongside the estate, you will recognize that you never pay attention to the colors of your neighbor’s roof. That clearly shows how roof shingle color only matters to you, and you need to be cautious when choosing. That is why it is essential to know the shingle color limitations and how it affects your home.
Matching your background color and shingle color is a great decision. The color of the roof has a significant impact, and it affects your house significantly. Other than affecting the appearance of your home, roof shingle color affects your home’s temperature and energy. Temperature affects the comfort of your house. Your heating and cooling system works to make your home cozy and comfortable, and high energy consumption will raise energy bills. When planning to replace your roof or roof in your new home, ensure you pay much attention to the roof shingle color. Replacing your roof greatly increases the value of your home, and it would be best if the roof shingles were of high quality and superb color. You need to consider several factors when choosing your roof shingle color, and you need to make a correct match.
Shingle Color Limitations
Everyone has their color preference. However, when it comes to shingle color, there are many color limitations. This is because some manufacturers have limited colors available, and you might find it hard to get the color of your choice. Also, you have color limitations because you have to choose the color based on the energy efficiency and durability of the roof shingle. Shingle color does not affect the durability of the roof. Therefore, check out the quality, then proceed and check the available colors.
Shingle Color Affects How Big Your House Looks
In general, objects with darker colors appear smaller than objects with lighter colors. Although this is an illusion, because the size of your house will remain the same despite the shingle color, it can make a significant difference with house appearance. If your home is small, ensure you avoid darker roof shingle colors. Darker shingle colors will make your small house look smaller. For a big home, you can choose darker colors because they will not dramatically affect the size of your house. Other than affecting the visualization of your house, shingle color needs to match the trims and siding details on the house’s exterior.
Roof Shingle Colors Absorbs or Reflects Heat
Shingle color has a significant impact on your house temperature. Some colors absorb light, while others reflect light. Technically, dark-colored shingles absorb sun rays and raise the temperature of your house. In comparison, light-colored shingles reflect away the light rays. The principle works similarly with the color of your clothes. When you wear dark clothes during summer, they absorb the light and make you feel hotter, and when you wear light-colored clothes, they reflect light and feel more relaxed. Therefore, the color of your shingles will make your house hotter or cooler, which significantly affects your home’s comfort.
Dark Roof Shingles
Darker roofs absorb light and make your house hotter, making the cooling system work harder when cooling your home during the summer seasons. In contrast, darker roofs are advantageous during the winter season because they make your house warmer. When your house is warm during the winter season, the heating system will not strain to warm your space, and this will save on your energy cost. If your place is extremely cold and has snow piles on the roofs, dark shingles will absorb light and melt the snow faster. This will prevent the pooling of water on the rooftop and make your house warmer. If you live in cooler areas, dark-colored shingles are the best.
Light Roof Shingles Reflect Light and Absorb Less Heat
Light color shingles are advantageous during warmer climates because they will reflect the light and make your house cool. Your heating system will have less work when heating your space, which will help you save on energy bills. In contrast, light-colored shingles make your house colder when in a cooler area, and your heating system will strain to warm the space and consume more energy. If your home is in warmer areas, light-colored shingles are the best option.
The Body of the House Limits the Shingle Colors
The body of the house is a significant limitation on shingle colors. As you choose the shingle color, you have to check your home’s siding and ensure they match. Preferable, the shingle color should be darker than the body of the house. However, if the body of your house has an extremely dark color, you should not choose a darker color for the shingles. In this case, you can consider light-colored shingles, and they might pull a good appearance on dark-colored houses.
Your house is one of the most significant investments that you make. When choosing the shingle color, ensure you are keen and pay attention to the paint’s effects on your house. Replacing your roof is very expensive, and it would be best if you made a good decision when installing the roof. Pay attention to the appearance of the roof, quality, and energy efficiency. Additionally, the rooftop of your house determines its value. If you want to sell your property, you can consider reroofing and choosing the best roof shingle color. From the explanation, you get to see that climate is a major limitation when selecting roof shingle color. Always consider the climate, to ensure you choose a color that is energy efficient.